tabasami 手挟
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
1 Rafters, *taruki 垂木, that are placed on both sides of the central pillar.

2 A rafter strut. An elaborately carved strut used to fill the wedge-shaped gap that appears between the rafters and the bracket complex *tokyou 斗きょう, placed on the outer pillars kouhaibashira 向拝柱, where the rafters slope downward over the step canopy *kouhai 向拝 beyond the front wall of a temple or shrine building. Tabasami appeared in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) after the introduction of the step canopy. At first, molding was a common filler, but between the 14c-16c, tabasami became beautifully decorated with peony, lotus and arabesque patterns. From the late 16c-19c, extremely elaborate decoration was applied. Brilliantly colored animals, plants, flowers, heavenly beings,and phoenixes in varied arrangements were favored.

Takisan Toushouguu Haiden 滝山東照宮拝殿 (Aichi)

*ebikouryou 海老虹梁

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