taruki 垂木
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
Also written たるき. This is the simplest type of rafter, called 'common rafter' or 'base rafter'. It extends from the ridge *munagi 棟木, to the end of, or beyond the eave *nokisaki 軒先. Rafters were arranged parallel *heikou daruki 平行垂木, to each other until the end of the 12c when the Zen style *zenshuuyou 禅宗様, and daibutsu style *daibutsuyou 大仏様, were introduced from the Asian continent. These new styles incorporated a radial arrangement of common rafters, called *ougidaruki 扇垂木. In the daibutsu style, rafters were lined up parallel to each other until they neared the corners, where they were laid in radiating fashion until they met the corner hip rafter. Example; Joudoji *Joudodou 浄土寺浄土堂 (1192), Hyougo prefecture. Rafters that beam from the center of the eaves on each side have double, closely spaced fan rafters. Sheathing covers the rafters before roofing can be laid. Closely spaced rafters are called *shigedaruki 繁垂木 and are found especially on temples and shrines. Widely spaced rafters are called *mabaradaruki 疎垂木 and are used on timber dwellings.
See *fukiyose daruki 吹寄垂木, *haitsuke daruki 配付垂木, *hanshige daruki 半繁垂木, *hien daruki 飛櫓垂木, *jidaruki 地垂木, *nodaruki 野垂木, *ronji daruki 論治垂木, *shigai daruki 枝外垂木, *sobadaruki 傍垂木, *wadaruki 輪垂木, *odaruki 尾垂木, *sumigi 隅木.

*yane kouzou 屋根構造

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