mikaeshi 見返
KEY WORD : 1 architecture / general terms : 2 art history / paintings
1 A surface of a Japanese architectural component that faces front.

2 Endpaper, often decorated, used to line inside the front cover of a Japanese style booklet *sasshibon 冊子本 or the opening section of a scroll *kansubon 巻子本. Mikaeshi usually is paper, although fabric has been used on occasion. For example, figured satin rinzu 綸子, was used for mikaeshi of a magnificently decorated scroll set, The Collection of Thirty-six Master Poets Sanjouurokuninshuu 三十六人集 in Nishihonganji 西本願寺 (early 12c), Kyoto. Mikaeshi can be embellished with a painting mikaeshi-e 見返絵 or decorated in a variety of techniques for paper decoration *ryoushi soushoku 料紙装飾 including the ample use of gold or silver foil, for example in the decoration of Buddhist sutras soushokukyou 装飾経 of the 12c.


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