

Scholar Year 1995
Publish Year 2019
Name 施 建明 Shi Jianming
articles 題目:A new mixed integer programming approach for optimization over the efficient set of a multiobjective linear programming problem
著者:K Lu, S Mizuno, J Shi
ジャーナル:Optimization Letters, 1-11, 2020
題目:A Numerical Study on MIP Approaches over the Efficient Set
著者:K Lu, S Mizuno, J Shi
国際会議:World Congress on Global Optimization, 611-616, 2019
題目:Optimization over the Efficient Set of a Linear Multiobjective Programming: Algorithm and Applications (高度情報化社会に向けた数理最適化の新潮流)
著者:K Lu, S Mizuno, J Shi
ジャーナル:数理解析研究所講究録, 70-79