

Scholar Year 2013
Publish Year 2019
Name ザメンゴ、マッシミリアーノ Zamengo, Massimiliano
articles ●Journal Paper
Massimiliano Zamengo, Junko Morikawa. Evaluation of cooling ability for a novel heat sink made of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel,  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 143, Nov. 2019.

●International Conference (Reviewed, oral presentation)
Massimiliano Zamengo, Junko Morikawa. Cooling ability of a novel heat sink made of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel, the Fifth International Symposium on Innovative Materials and Processes in Energy Systems, Oct. 2019.

●International Conference (Not reviewed, poster presentation)
Massimiliano Zamengo, Junko Morikawa. Use of low-cost infrared sensor for educational purpose: statistical analysis of results obtained by students, QIRT Asia 2019, Jul. 2019.

●Domestic Conference (Not reviewed, oral presentation)
Massimiliano Zamengo, Junko Morikawa. Effects of fabrication method on the cooling ability of heat sinks made of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel, 56th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, May. 2019.