KEY WORD :@art history / paintings
Lit. paintings of Heike. The usual abbreviation of Heike monogatari-e •˝‰Ć•¨ŒęŠG, illustrations of famous incidents concerning the Taira •˝ family (Heike) taken primarily from the epic war-tale, HEIKE MONOGATARI •˝‰Ć•¨Œę (The Tale of The Heike). The prose-tale features numerous events which became the subject of pictures either illustrating the original narrative or illustrating one of the many *nou ”\, joururi ň—Ú—ž, or *kabuki ‰Ě•‘Šę plays on which it is based. Battle scenes concerning the Heike wars (12c) with the Minamoto Œš clan (Genji ŒšŽ) include *Ichinotani kassen ˆęƒm’J‡í, *Yashima kassen ‰Ž“‡‡í, *Ujigawa no kassen ‰FŽĄě‚̍‡í, and *Horikawa yo'uchi –xě–铢. Sometimes specific events during the battle are illustrated, such as *Yuminagshi ‹|—Ź‚ľ and *Hassoutobi ”Şäz”ň. Other frequently illustrated incidents involve the Taira clan as courtiers in the capital and include *Nuetaiji ęK‘ŢŽĄ, *Ohara gokou ‘ĺŒ´ŒäK, *Kogou Ź“Â, and Shunkan rŠ°. Heike-e are found in formats ranging from screens to wood-block prints. The dramatic and often tragic events were frequently painted during 15-17c by the *Kanouha Žë–ě”h and *Tosaha “y˛”h and later depicted by *ukiyo-e •‚˘ŠG artists. Edo period publications of HEIKE MONOGATARI were often illustrated. The term heike-e sometimes is used in contra-distinction to *genji-e ŒšŽŠG. However genji-e refers to depictions of GENJI MONOGATARI ŒšŽ•¨Œę (The Tale of Genji), a Heian novel unrelated to the Minamoto clan (Genji), of HEIKE MONOGATARI.


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