dero 出炉
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
A fixed- hearth *ro 炉; *rodan 炉壇, placed outside the host's mat *temaedatami 点前畳, in a tea ceremony room *chashitsu 茶室. Dero is often found in the most common 4 1/2 mat rooms yojouhanseki 四畳半席, and in tea ceremony rooms, with a mat of less than usual size *daimedatami 台目畳. These rooms are called *yojouhangiri 四畳半切, and *daimegiri 台目切, because the daimedatami has been cut to about three quarters the size of the ordinary mat. This type of hearth placement can occur in small or large rooms *koma 小間 or hiroma 広間. They may be placed in either the usual position *hongatte 本勝手, or in a reverse position *gyakugatte 逆勝手. The old name for dero was hikidashiro 引出炉. Examples: Konchi-in Hassouseki 金地院八窓席 Nanzenji 南禅寺 (early 17c), Shouren-in Koubuntei 青蓮院好文亭, both in Kyoto.

*hachiro 八炉

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