KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
1@An abbreviation for yamatouchi-no-to ‘å˜a‘Å‚ÌŒË or yamatouchi ‘å˜a‘Å. A door that has vertical slats that are nailed to the front and back of the door in an alternating pattern. They are separated by furring strips. This type of door is often used in gardens.

2@Yamatouchi-itado ‘å˜a‘Å”ÂŒË is a wooden door constructed in the same way.
‘å˜a•» is a fence made of widths of bleached bamboo spaced about 45cm apart and held in place by bark. This type of fence is used in a *sukiya ”Šñ‰® garden. Another type of yamatobei is made of wide vertical staggered boards, one facing front, the next facing back. The boards are separated and held in place with narrow horizontal boards. In some yamatobei type fences, the boards are set back-to-back instead of being staggered and a horizontal board is nailed along the top. The third type is called yamatouchi ‘å˜a‘Å (see *yamato ‘å˜a) and resembles a yamatobei type fence but has no horizontal coping, the front and back boards do not match and the horizontal boards are the same width as the spaces between the vertical boards. There are many other types of board fences.
Old Andou ˆÀ“¡ house (Yamanashi)
Old Andou ˆÀ“¡ house (Yamanashi)


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