KEY WORD :@art history / sculptures
"Laughing old man." A noh mask *noumen ”\–Κ, representing a plebeian old man. Its prominent, round muscular cheeks, open areas around the eyes, gentle shallow curves below the eyebrows, and broad smile create a friendly expression. Faint wrinkles are carved in the middle of the forehead. Strong upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Moustache, beard, and head hair are of implanted tan horsehair. Worn by the old fisher, farmer or hunter in the first act of plays like NOMORI –μŽη, UKAI ‰LŽ”, HIUN ”ς‰_, and UTOU ‘P’m‰G where the figure changes in the second act into a ghost, demon, fierce god, dragon god, or supernatural being.
A warajou with leering smile, sickle eyes, and strong personality is housed in the Kasuga Jinja t“ϊ_ŽΠ, Gifu prefecture. Dating to the 15c, it has been attributed to the 15c carver Shakuzuru Τ’߁@from the incised insignia "ittousaku." The Kanze ŠΟ’ family, Tokyo, possess a well-carved waraijou dating to the Muromachi period and is designated as an important cultural property.


(C)2001 Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System.@No reproduction or republication without written permission.