KEY WORD :@art history / paintings
A pictorial subject based on "A Branch of Plum" Umegae, Chapter 32 of GENJI MONOGATARI ŒΉŽ•¨Œκ (The Tale of Genji). In the chapter, Genji's household is preparing for the coming of age ceremony of the princess who will become the Akashi Empress (see *Akashi –ΎΞ). On the tenth day of the Second Month Genji holds a competition to determine the incense she will use at court. He gathers scents from several people and calls on Prince Hotaru (Hotaru Hyoubunokyou Œu•Ί•”‹¨) to judge them. The scene most frequently chosen for illustration shows Genji and Prince Hotaru looking at two jars sent by Princess Asagao (see *Asagao ’©Šη), one indigo with a pine branch, one white with a plum branch from which most of the blossoms have fallen, and to which she has attached a poem. The Crown Prince also has his coming of age ceremony in this chapter. In the Third Month the third daughter of the Minister of the Left (the third in rank of the three main ministers of state, below the Minister of the Right and the Prime Minister) is presented at court, while the Akashi Princess is presented in the Fourth Month. At this time Tou no Chuujou “ͺ’†« (here called the "Palace Minister", or Naidaijin “ΰ‘εb) begins to reconcile himself to the love between *Yuugiri —[–Ά, Genji's son, and his daughter Kumoi no kari ‰_ˆδŠε.

*genji-e ŒΉŽŠG.

(C)2001 Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System.@No reproduction or republication without written permission.