uchikoshi daruki@‘Ε‰z‚–Ψ
KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Rafters *taruki ‚–Ψ, that extend from the flying rafter support *kioi –Ψ•‰, on the main roof of a temple or shrine building, over the step-canopy *kouhai Œό”q. They are supported by the eave purlin *nokigeta Œ¬Œ…, and their ends are placed on top of kouhai pillars. Eave supports *kayaoi Š•‰, are again set over the outer ends of the uchikoshi daruki and flying rafters *hien daruki ”ςžχ‚–Ψ, are added. An eave support is placed on top of the flying rafters to carry the tile seat.
Nyoraidou κCŽ›”@—ˆ“° (Mie)
Senshuuji Nyoraidou κCŽ›”@—ˆ“° (Mie)


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