KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Also called komaikabe ¬•‘•Η. A wattle and daub wall made of course mud plaster, ara-nuri r“h, usually mixed with straw. The daub is applied first to a framework of vertical and horizontal bamboo lath laced with rope *komai ¬•‘. Then, a middle or second coat of a finer mixture of daub *nakanuri ’†“h‚θ, is applied. Finally, a top coat *uwanuri γ“h‚θ, of either smooth white plaster or one that has a sandy finish is applied. The surface color will differ depending on the material used. Sabikabe ŽK•Η is earth colored, benikabe g•Η is a soft red color and jurakukabe γڊy•Η is gray.

nakanuri shiage ’†“h‚θŽdγ‚°F
Old Honda –{“c house (Nagasaki)


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