KEY WORD :@art history / paintings
A pictorial subject based on "At Writing Practice" (Tenarai), Chapter 53 of GENJI MONOGATARI ŒΉŽ•¨Œκ (The Tale of Genji). In this chapter, the bishop of Yogawa, Yogawa no Souzu ‰‘μ‘m“s and his party discover *Ukifune •‚M, who is near death. They nurse her back to health at which point she decides to become a nun. Later the bishop relates this story to Empress Akashi, Akashi no Chuuguu –ΎΞ’†‹{ who informs Ukifune's earlier lover, Kaoru ŒO. The scene most frequently chosen for illustration shows Ukifune playing a game of go Œι with Shoushou the nun, Shoushou no Ama ­«‚Μ“ς in the Ninth Month, a time when other aristocrats are making a pilgrimage to Hasedera ’·’JŽ›.

*genji-e ŒΉŽŠG.

(C)2001 Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System.@No reproduction or republication without written permission.