sairei-zu 祭礼図
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
Lit. festival pictures. Paintings that originated in folk beliefs and Shinto rituals shinji 神事, mostly related to agriculture, human fertility and prosperity. Popular festivals became part of the annual cycle of events *nenjuu gyouji 年中行事 and were depicted in *meisho-e 名所絵 and *tsukinami-e 月次絵 from the 8c (the Heian period). Festivals were a popular theme in genre paintings *fuuzokuga 風俗画 commissioned by warrior lords and prosperous townspeople from the 16c (Momoyama period). Such depictions are mainly in large format especially on *byoubu 屏風. With a wealth of detail they capture a multitude of people and activities in and around the shrine on temple precincts at festival time. Major, generally annual festivals of Kyoto, such as the *Gion matsuri 祇園祭, *Hie Sannou matsuri 日吉山王祭, as well as *Kamo-no-keiba 賀茂競馬, were frequently depicted throughout the Edo period, as was the Gion matsuri, which appeared in *rakuchuu rakugai-zu 洛中洛外図. Paintings of special one-time events such as the *Houkokusai 豊国祭 also exist, along with compositions of provincial festivals such as the Tsushima Lantern-boat Festival (British Museum or private collection Tsushima). Many sairei-zu also have strong affinities in style and compositional elements with pilgrimage paintings such as the Muromachi or Edo period sanpai-zu 参拝図 of Ise 伊勢, Kumano 熊野.


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