suribotoke@ •§
KEY WORD :@art history / sculptures
Also read shuubutsu. A Buddhist image printed in ink on paper or cloth, and often placed inside a Buddhist statue (see *zounai nounyuuhin ‘œ“ΰ”[“ό•i). Suribotoke are thought to have developed from *inbutsu ˆσ•§ (small multiple Buddhist prints), which were brought to Japan from the Asian continent in the 9c. A Sung Chinese print of Miroku bosatsuzou –νθΣ•μŽF‘œ dated 984 was discovered inside the Seiryouji ΄™yŽ› Shaka nyoraizou Žί‰ή”@—ˆ‘œ in Kyoto. An early Japanese example, completed 1164, consists of images of the 28 followers of *Senju Kannon ηŽθŠΟ‰Ή (see *nijuuhachi bushuu “ρ\”ͺ•”O), located inside the Sentai Senju Kannon η‘̐ηŽθŠΟ‰Ή in Rengeouin ˜@‰Ψ‰€‰@ (Sanjuusangendou ŽO\ŽOŠΤ“°), Kyoto. Offering prints to the temple as an act of devotion was popular among less wealthy lay believers, particularly during the Middle Ages (12-16c), since it was much cheaper than commissioning a statue or painting. Originally the two terms suribotoke and inbutsu were interchangeable, but gradually suribotoke were distinguished by size and technique. While inbutsu were small (usually 10cm or less), engraved on a seal and pressed many times onto paper to cover the whole sheet, suribotoke were larger, more detailed images, made by rubbing paper or cloth over a carved printing block. Themes were usually Buddha, *bosatsu •μŽF or *ten “V figures. From the Kamakura period life-size prints were made, such as the Juuichimen Kannonzou \ˆκ–ΚŠΟ‰Ή‘œ, in Taimadera “––ƒŽ›, Nara. In the Muromachi period suribotoke were painted in colour over the basic printed outline, and the subject-matter and formats also expanded to include *mandara ™ΦδΆ—… and scrolls *emaki ŠGŠͺ. Many original printing blocks have been preserved, for example in Rinnouji —Φ‰€Ž›, Tochigi prefecture.


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