sugaruhafu 縋破風
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
1 A roof with bargeboards of different sizes. Usually the front bargeboard, which extends from the ridge along the gable eaves to the foremost end of the structure, is longer than the bargeboard that extends from the ridge to the end of the eaves at the rear of the building. This type of roof is found on shrine architecture of the nagare style *nagare-zukuri 流造. The term is also used to refer to the bargeboards that extend along the edges of a canopy roof kouhai yane 向拝屋根, placed over the steps in front of the main entrance of a temple building.

2 If a long *magobisashi 孫廂 is added beyond the *hisashi 廂, the length of the bargeboards from the ridge is further increased. Long wide front bargeboards are found on temple and shrine buildings in the nagare style *nagare-zukuri 流造.

1) Zuiganji Godaidou 瑞巖寺五大堂 (Miyagi)

2) Ujigami Jinja Haiden 宇治上神社拝殿 (Kyoto)


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