soumon 藻文
KEY WORD : art history / sculptures
A fishnet-like design used to adorn the base of a Buddhist sculpture. The character 藻 (also read mo) means duckweed or seaweed. The design is a variation of the *karakusamon 唐草文, an arabesque-like design derived from stylized Chinese grasses. The soumon often appears in sections of the *rengeza 蓮華座 (lotus pedestal), for example on the bulging sphere in the narrow middle section *shikinasu 敷茄子; the flower platter *keban 華盤; the ring of lotus petals turned down *kaeribana 反花. An example is found on the base of the 8c Yakushi nyoraizou 薬師如来像 in Houryuuji Saiendou 法隆寺西円堂, Nara.


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