ooire ariotoshi@‘ε“ό‹a—Ž
KEY WORD :@architecture / joints
Also called kageire ariotoshi ‰A“ό‹a—Ž; ooire arikake ‘ε“ό‹aŠ|. A joint made to connect a purlin (*keta Œ…)at right angle to a ground sill *dodai “y‘δ. This joint is also employed to join a purlin to the rear surface of a bargeboard *hafu-ita ”j•—”Β. When the bargeboard is very large, it is necessary to use a kind of bridging member called a *hikidokko ˆψ“ΖŒΨ. The part inserted into the bargeboard has a dovetail cut. The end placed within the purlin is a haunched tenon with keys *shachisen ŽΤ’mπ. The dotted lines on the beams indicate the part inserted into the bargeboard.

*ooire ‘ε“ό, *ariotoshi ‹a—Ž

(C)2001 Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System.@No reproduction or republication without written permission.