KEY WORD :@architecture / tea houses
Also tsukedoko •t°. An early type of removable alcove formed by placing a simple dais in a corner of the room and hanging a scroll of calligraphy above it on the wall. A flower arranged in a vase is also often added. The dais is usually about 95cm~45cm.@Some are equipped with little drawers or a shelf, especially if used in a room of *shoin ‘‰@ style. A quotation from the *OKAZARISHO Œäü‘ (1523) attributed to Souami ‘Šˆ¢–í (1455-1525) states, "Even in the removal of okioshi-ita ’u‰Ÿ”Â, decorations should resemble those in the shoin." The term okidoko then, seems to suggest that it derived from okioshi-ita.
The use of a removable dais was favored. The sizes in most small tea ceremony rooms were: 1 1/2 mats; 1 mat plus 1*daimedatami ‘ä–Úô; 1 mat plus a middle board *naka-ita ’†” and 1 daimedatami; 1 daimedatami and a board behind the hearth *mukou-ita Œü”Â. As the styles of tea ceremony rooms became more refined, the use of the removable dais was considered appropriate only for an informal style.


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