nokizori 軒反
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
Curvature of the eaves. There are two types: shinzori 真反, lit. true curvature, in which the center eave curves from the center to the corners and *naginatazori 長刀反 (lit. halberd curve), an eave that was straight at the center but abruptly curved up at each end. The eave curve in the Asuka period was very slight. It became more pronounced in the Nara (645-794) and Heian periods (794-1185). The ends of the eaves during the Kamakura (1185-1333), and Nanbokuchou period (1333-92) were quite sharply curved. The most exaggerated curvature at the eave ends can be seen at many temple buildings in the Zen style, *zenshuuyou 禅宗様, especially in the Momoyama (1568-1615) and Edo (1615-1868) periods.
Shoufukuji Jizoudou 正福寺地蔵堂(Tokyo)
Shoufukuji Jizoudou 正福寺地蔵堂(Tokyo)
*naginatazori 長刀反:
Shoufukuji Jizoudou 正福寺地蔵堂(Tokyo)


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