KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Also@*nokiba Œ¬’[. An eave edge or an eave end. The eave end of a tiled roof kawarayane Š¢‰®ª, is supported by base rafters *jidaruki ’n‚–Ø, covered with sheathing over which is spread clay to hold the pendant tiles *gatou Š¢“–. When flying rafters are added, a flying rafter support *kioi –Ø•‰, must be placed on the eave to accept the inner ends of the flying rafters *hien daruki ”òž÷‚–Ø. The flying rafter then will carry an eave support called *kayaoi Š•‰. On top of this an exposed eave filler *uragou — b, and tile seat *kawaraza Š¢À, are added to support the pendant tiles that border the edge of the eave. If roofed with thatch *kayabuki Š•˜, or finely layered shingles *kokerabuki Š`•˜, facia boards *hanakakushi-ita •@‰B”Â, are used to cover and protect the rafter ends.


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