Also read niga byakudou-zu. Lit. picture
of Two Rivers and the White Path. Inspired by a parable taught by the founder
of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, Shandao 善導 (Jp:Zendou, 613-81), in his commentary
on Guanwuliangshoujingsu 観無量寿経疏 (Jp: KANMURYOUJUKYOUSHO). The bottom
of the painting shows this world, or this shore (shigan 此岸), and the top
Amida's Western Paradise, gokuraku 極楽, or Pure Land, joudo 浄土, located
on the far shore, higan 彼岸. Connecting the two is the narrow white path
running between the River of Fire (hatred) on the south and the River of Water
(greed) on the north over which the believer must carefully travel to attain rebirth
in the Pure Land. In order to encourage believers to strive for salvation, many
works of nika byakudou-zu were produced during the Kamakura period. Well-known
examples include those in Koumyouji 光明寺, Kyoto, and the Kousetsu 香雪 Art Museum,
Hyougo prefecture. |