Miyuki 行幸
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
A pictorial subject taken from "The Royal Outing" Miyuki, Chapter 29 of GENJI MONOGATARI 源氏物語 (The Tale of Genji). The chapter opens with a royal hunt to Ooharano 大原野 in the Twelfth Month, with princes and high courtiers in charge of the falcons and a jostling of carriages by the spectators. Observing abstinence, Genji cannot attend but is sent a brace of pheasants tied to a branch by the emperor. In a separate episode, on the first day of the Second Month, Genji has a chance meeting with Tou no Chuujou 頭中将 and they renew their friendship despite a long-standing rivalry. Later still, as Genji prepares *Tamakazura 玉鬘 for her presentation as a consort at court, his various ladies contribute gifts for her equipment, including rather old-fashioned clothing from the Safflower Lady *Suetsumuhana 末摘花. Around the same time Genji reveals that Tamakazura is Tou no Cuujou's daughter, and father and daughter meet for the first time. Various scenes from the above episodes are illustrated.

*genji-e 源氏絵 

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