is an abridged form of kyuudai daisu 及第台子. Also written 弓台子. An informal
type of portable shelf *daisu
台子, with two posts connecting the top and bottom boards. It was used at tea ceremonies
as a stand on which to place tea utensils that include: the ladle *hishaku
柄杓, the tongs for handing charcoal *hibashi
火箸, and its container *shakutate
杓立; the waste water bowl *kensui
建水; the water vessel *mizusashi
水指; and the tea caddy *chaki
茶器. The portable charcoal brazier *furo
風炉, was also placed on the kyuudaisu at times. Sen Rikyuu 千利休 (1522-91)
favored a portable shelf of Japanese cypress coated thinly with black lacquer.
It was 57cm high, with a top board that was about 89cm x 42cm and a bottom board
that was little smaller, 88cm x 38cm. He used it with either a portable brazier
or with a fixed firebox *ro 炉.
Sen Soutan 千宗旦 (1578-1658), a third generation tea master, preferred a kyuudaisu
made of mulberry with the grain visible. This was used with a fixed firebox and
was 55cm high. The top board was 70.5cm x 36cm and the bottom board 72cm x 38cm.