kote 篭手
KEY WORD : art history / sculptures
Also written 小手. Formerly tamaki 手纏, taooi 臂覆. A gauntlet that protected the arms and hands. It was part of a soldier's armor from the Kofun period through the Edo period. Chain-mail and metal plates zaban 座盤, usually iron, were sewn onto a cloth sleeve ieji 家地. The kote extended from the shoulder to the *tekkou 手甲 protecting the back of the hand. It was worn with body armor such as the *ooyoroi 大鎧, doumaruyoroi 胴丸鎧, or haramaki 腹巻. There were many varieties of kote named according to their shape and construction, for example the *ebigote 海老篭手 (shrimp-shaped gauntlet), tsutsugote 筒篭手 (pipe gauntlet), and kusarigote 鎖篭手 (chain gauntlet).


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