komise 小店
KEY WORD : architecture / folk dwellings
Also written 小見世.

1 A deep covered walkway *hisashi 廂, just under one *ken 間 in width, on the street facade of an urban vernacular house *machiya 町家 in Aomori and Akita prefectures, linking adjacent houses and providing access along the street in winter, when deep snow makes the centre of the road impassable. There are often wooden shutters provided along the outer, street side, allowing the walkway to be protected from snow. Although semi-public in character, the space was originally owned by the individual houses, though its provision was required by local custom. The term, written 小見セ, was already in use by around 1785. An alternative term is *gangi 雁木. See also tanashita 店下 and *rouka 廊下.

2 In *machiya 町家 in western Japan and the Kinki 近畿 region, a room in the front corner of the earthen area *doma 土間, close to the shop *mise 店. It was often opened to the street and used to store and display goods for sale. The name is recorded by 1832. It is an alternative term for *shimomise 下店.

3 A small shop.

4 In *Yoshiwara 吉原, the pleasure district *yuukaku 遊廓 of Edo in the Edo period, the lowest grade of pleasure house *yuujoya 遊女屋.

 An area projecting from the front of the *mise 店 in *machiya 町家, used for the display of goods for sale in the vicinity of Ota in Shimane prefecture.


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