karatsuyaki 唐津焼
KEY WORD : art history / crafts
Karatsu 唐津 wear. A general name for the glazed, high-fired pottery made at kilns producing Korean style pottery grouped around the port of Karatsu in Hizen 肥前 (Saga prefecture) from the Momoyama period. Located near Nagoyajou 名護屋城, the launching point for Toyotomi Hideyoshi's 豊臣秀吉 1592 and 1597 invasions of Korea, Karatsu was one resettlement area for the Korean potters brought back by Hideyoshi's generals, although Koreans may have worked in the area, invited by local rules before the invasions. Korean innovations include the kickwheel, paddle and anvil to make thin or strong vessel walls, and the split-bamboo style of *noborigama 登窯 (climbing kiln) for high- temperature firing. Karatsu kilns produced mainly utilitarian vessels, although such tea masters as Furuta Oribe 古田織部 (1544-1615) appreciated their unpretentious beauty for teabowls. Terazawa Hirotaka 寺沢広高 (1564-1633), daimyou 大名 of Karatsu and tea enthusiast was an important patron of ceramic production. Karatsu ware is typically decorated with designs painted in underglaze iron oxide, and covered with a feldspathic and ash glaze.


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