karagaki 唐垣
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
Lit. Chinese fence. Also written 韓垣 meaning a Korean fence.

1 A generic name for an ancient garden fence composed of stalks of rushes or bamboo, stems of ivy or bushes woven together. The fence is mentioned in the NIHON SHOKI 日本書紀 (8c.), causing some scholars to conclude that it already existed in the Kofun period. The KAOKUZAKKOU 家屋雑考 (1842) states that this type of fence was copied from a Korean fence. According to the GENPEI SEISUIKI 源平盛衰記 (mid-Kamakura period), the karagaki is weak and easily damaged by storms and heavy wind. In the AKI NO YONAGA MONOGATARI 秋の夜長物語 (early Muromchi period) the characters 韓垣 karagaki were used, but in the TAIHEIKI 太平記 (14c), the fence is identified with the commonly used 唐垣 characters meaning literally Chinese or beautiful fence.

2 A white-wall fence, shirokabe-no- hei 白壁の塀, dating from the early Medieval period.


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