jabara-ita@ŽΦ• ”Β
KEY WORD :@architecture / general terms
Lit. snake belly board. The boards lined up under the thick eave ends nokizuke Œ¬•t of a cypress bark *hiwadabuki •O”η•˜, finely cut, layered, shingled roof *kokerabuki Š`•˜, or thatched roof *kayabuki Š•˜. The boards are placed with butt ends *koguchi –ΨŒϋ visible. On the ends of the rafters *taruki ‚–Ψ several members are piled up to support the thick, heavy, overhanging ends of the eaves and prevent them from sagging. The jabara-ita are placed just beneath the bottom layer of the wooden shingles on top of the eave pillars, kiri-uragou Ψ— b. The shingles and eave fillers are secured with copper or bamboo nails. If the eave ends are exceedingly thick, cypress wood cut about 1cm thick is set at a slant. A triangular piece is placed at the corners.
Takisanji Hondou ‘κŽRŽ›–{“° (Aichi)
Takisanji Hondou ‘κŽRŽ›–{“° (Aichi)
Takisanji Hondou ‘κŽRŽ›–{“° (Aichi)


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