irikawa 入側
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
1 A corridor or passageway between the main body of a residence and the veranda. It is also found in temple architecture jiin kenchiku 寺院建築. It is either covered with straw mats *tatami 畳, or long planks laid lengthwise. In the latter case, the boards of the veranda are set a step lower than passageway, and then covered with short planks set at right angles to long planks. A veranda of this type is called kirime-en 切目縁 (also *koguchi 木口) meaning that the crosscut ends of the planks are visible. The depth of the passageway from the exterior to interior wall is often 2m to 3m in mansions or palaces.

2 The term is sometimes used for the outer sanctuary *gejin 外陣, from the inner pillars *moyabashira 母屋柱, to the outer pillars *kawabashira 側柱, of the building.

*kusarebushi 腐節

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