KEY WORD :@architecture / gardens
Genji ŒΉŽ fence is a board fence with posts set at intervals and a base runner set between the foundation stones of the posts. The boards are erected horizontally (if vertically, the fence is called tate-itabei c”Β•») with the top cut ends protected by a finishing cover board or top plate. The posts extend about one third above the height of the fencing in order to support a board roof with a ridge beam at the top. The space above the closed board fencing and below the roof, called a transom *ranma —“ŠΤ is left open. Thin square lath strips *tasuki ζF set diagonally forming a criss-cross pattern in each transom add a decorative focal point. Sometimes the roof is made of tiles instead of boards.
genjibei ŒΉŽ•»FYuutenji —S“VŽ› (Tokyo)
Yuutenji —S“VŽ› (Tokyo)

* itabei ”Β•», *tokusabei –Ψ‘―•»

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