ganro 丸炉
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
Also called *ganro-no-seki 丸炉席. A cylindrical iron stove used in a tea ceremony room *chashitsu 茶室. It is 34-35cm in diameter and fits into the boarded floor part of
1 the kitchen area *mizuya 水屋, 2 in the tea ceremony room itself, or 3 in the waiting room, hikae-ma 控間. The cylindrical iron stove continued to be used through the early Edo period. During Sen Rikyuu's 千利休 (1522-91) lifetime, a square type of stove with a box-like shape, came into use. However, many Edo period tea masters among the Imperial Household, nobility, and literati preferred the cylindrical type. Examples: Cylindrical stoves dating from the early 17c are found in Myoushiniji Kaifuku-in 妙心寺海福院, Manshouji 万松寺 and Houkyouji 宝鏡寺, all in Kyoto.


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