KEY WORD :@architecture / roofing tiles
Also written εΊ’; also called *kanmurigawara Š₯Š’ or *ganburigawara ŠεUŠ’. Coping tiles that create a finish to the stacked tiles *noshigawara ΰ‘“lŠ’, piled on the ridge. Coping tiles are also used on top of stacked tiles on corner ridges *sumikudarimune ‹χ~“, and the short offspring ridge *chigomune ’tŽ™“, or on descending ridges *kudarimune ~“. The characters εΊ’, were used in the Muromachi period because the form of the tiles was thought to resemble the shape of a quilt spread over Japanese style bedding futon Š—’c, or bedclothes yagu –ι‹ο. However, this complicated character was eventually dropped and replaced by two relatively simple ones, also read fusuma •šŠΤ (cover space).


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