daimedatami 台目畳
KEY WORD : architecture / tea houses
Also written 代目畳、大目畳. A straw mat about three three quarters the length of a standard size mat, about 135-137cm long. In Kyoto the daimedatami is about 143-145cm long. Although there are small variations in length, most 3/4 length straw mats are called daimedatami. A daimedatami is usually used for the host's mat *temaedatami 点前畳, but occasionally is used for the guests' mats in a tea ceremony room *chashitsu 茶室. When a tea ceremony room is referred to as a yojouhan daime 四畳半台目 it means that there are 4 mats of normal size plus one of less than normal size, or a daimedatami. Therefore, whenever a measurement states the number of mats plus the word daime, it means the number of normal size mats plus the smaller one, daimedatami. Examples: Jikouin Chashitsu 慈光院茶室 (1663, Nara), 2 mats and 1daimedatami, nijou daime; 二畳台目 ; Saihouji Shounantei 西芳寺湘南亭 (1596-1615, Kyoto), 4 mats yojou daime 四畳台目 ; Sankeien Shunsouro 三渓園春草盧 (end 15c, Kanagawa prefecture), 3 mats sanjou daime 三畳台目.


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