agedatamiza 上畳座
KEY WORD : art history / sculptures
A raised platform with a *tatami 畳 mat on top, often having a brightly colored edge. Originally a seat for nobles, it appears in many works of art as a base *daiza 台座, on which a divine or respected figure sits. It appears in portraits and Shinto images *shinzou 神像, both in sculpture and painting. Images of Prince Shoutoku, (see *Shoutoku Taishizou 聖徳太子像) and the deity Hachiman *sougyou hachiman 僧形八幡, frequently sit on this type of pedestal. An example is found in the 12c painted portrait of high priest Kankuu 寛空 (884-972) from Joubon Rendaiji 上品蓮台寺 in Kyoto.


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