ageutsushi あげ写し
KEY WORD : art history / paintings
A method used by Japanese painters to produce a copy *mosha 模写, and in that way, to study original paintings. The copier uses a thick piece of paper that is not transparent, as the method does not involve tracing. Traced copies are called *sukiutsushi 透写し. The copier lays the paper over the original painting, then rolls and lifts the bottom of the paper slightly so that only one small area of the original can be viewed. This portion of the painting is studied, committed to memory, and then reproduced on the paper. This process is repeated many times as the copier works from the bottom of the painting to the top. Because the copier draws the lines from memory instead of tracing them, the speed of the brush is closer to the speed used on the original. With practice the copier can produce excellent reproductions.


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