

Scholar Year 2021
Publish Year 2022
Name 李 貞善 Lee Chung-sun
articles 1. 論文(査読付き)
Chungsun Lee, “Between Visible and Invisible Deaths of the Korean War: Re-envisioning Operation Glory (1954) at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea”, International Journal of Military History and Historiography 7 (4), pp. 1-26, June, 2022.

2. 著書(共著、査読付き)
Chungsun Lee, “‘We Gave Our Today for Your Tomorrow’: Peace Education and Sustainable Tourism in the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea”, in Miroslav D. Vujicic, Azilah Kasim, Stella Kostopoulou, Jorge Chica Olmo, and Mohamed Aslam (eds.), Cultural Sustainable Tourism (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 57-71 (Book chapter 6), December, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-031-07818-7.

3. 受賞歴
Brill出版社, The International Journal of Military History and Historiography (IJMH),
“2022 IJMH Early-Career Paper Prize”(2023年2月)。
The IJMH Early-Career Paper (brill.com)
 国際学術出版社Brill・国際軍史学会「2022年若手研究者賞」受賞 

新着情報 - 川口市立高等学校 (kawaguchicity-hs.ed.jp)