

Scholar Year 2013
Publish Year 2021
Name ザメンゴ、マッシミリアーノ Zamengo, Massimiliano
articles ・Journal paper
Massimiliano Zamengo, Kazuo Yoshida, Junko Morikawa, Numerical evaluation of a Carnot battery system comprising a chemical heat storage/pump and a Brayton cycle, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 41, September 2021, 102955

As co-author
A. Shkatulov, H. Miura, S.T. Kim, M. Zamengo, T. Harada, H. Takasu Y. Kato. Y. Aristov, Thermochemical storage of medium-temperature heat using MgO promoted with eutectic ternary mixture LiNO3-NaNO3-KNO3 Journal of Energy Storage Volume 51, July 2022, 104409

・Domestic Conference (oral presentation)
Massimiliano Zamengo, Junko Morikawa. Utilization of evaporative cooling effect from hydrogel-made heat sinks as an efficient and sustainable cooling technology, 日本冷凍空調学会 年次大会 ワークショップ:次世代熱駆動技術の最先端研究D345