

Scholar Year 2021
Publish Year 2021
Name 胡 石 Hu Shi
articles Hu S et al. (2022) Rerouting of the lignin biosynthetic pathway by inhibition of cytosolic shikimate recycling in transgenic hybrid aspen. Plant Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15674.
Ikeda T, Takata N, Sakamoto S, Hu S et al. (2021) Improved chemical pulping and saccharification of a natural mulberry mutant deficient in cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase. Holzforschung, 75(10) 968-977.
持田裕司, 岸雅嵩, 小堀航平, 武生魁世, 近藤将人, 胡石, 他 (2021) 特異な材色を呈するクワの自然突然変異体「赤材桑」の飼料効率に関する検討,蚕糸昆虫バイオテック,90,91-98.