

Scholar Year 1999
Publish Year 2020
Name 楊 接期 Yang Jie Chi
articles 1. Huang, B. G., Yang, J. C., & Chen, S. Y. (2021). An investigation of
the approaches for integrating learning materials and digital games: A prior
ability perspective. Universal Access in the Information Society,20(1), 57-68.

2. Yang, J. C., & Chen, S. Y. (2020). An investigation of game behavior in
the context of digital game-based learning: An individual difference
perspective.Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106432.

3. Hung, H. T., Yang, J. C., & Tsai, Y. C. (2020). Student game design
as a literacy practice: A 10-year review. Educational Technology &
Society, 23(1), 50-63.

4. Wu, W. C. V., Yang, J. C., Chen Hsieh, J. S., & Yamamoto, T.
(2020).Free from demotivation in EFL writing: The use of online flipped
writing instruction.Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33(4), 353-387.