

Scholar Year 2017
Publish Year 2019
Name グアリーニ、レティツィア Guarini, Letizia
articles 【学会発表】
・“Invading the Daughter’s Body: An Analysis of the Father/Daughter Relationship in Kurahashi Yumiko’s Amanonkoku ōkanki”. Paper presented on the panel “Reading Resistance: Japanese Women Writers and the Reproduction of the Hetero-normative Nation-State” at the 23rd Asian Studies Conference Japan ASCJ, Saitama University, Japan, June 29, 2019.

・「男性支配的社会における女性間の友情物語 角田光代『対岸の彼女』に見る女同士の絆」『ジェンダー研究』22号、2019年7月、111-129(査読有り).
・“Madri che uccidono: maternità e solitudine in Mori ni nemuru sakana e Saka no tochū no ie di Kakuta Mitsuyo”, Il Giappone. Studi e Ricerche, 近刊予定(査読あり).