

Scholar Year 2013
Publish Year 2018
Name ザメンゴ、マッシミリアーノ Zamengo, Massimiliano
articles 【論文】

1. Articles in peer reviewed journals (As coauthor)
  S. Funayama, H. Takasu, M. Zamengo, J. Kariya, S. T. Kim, Y. Kato
  "Performance of thermochemical energy storage of a packed bed of calcium hydroxide pellets"
  Energy Storage, 12th March 2019 https://doi.org/10.1002/est2.40

2. Proceedings paper-International conference (As coauthor)
  S. Funayama, M. Zamengo, J. Kariya, K. Fujioka, Y. Kato
  Numerical analysis of packed bed reaction of calcium hydroxide pellets for thermochemical
  energy storage,
  16th International Heat Transfer Conference, China National Convention Center
   (Beijing, China, August 10th-15th , 2018)

4. Oral presentations at domestic conferences
  M. Zamengo, J. Morikawa
  Analysis of evaporative cooling from a hybrid heat-mass exchanger made of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel,
  The SPSJ 67th Annual Meeting (Nagoya, May 23rd-25th, 2018)

5. M. Zamengo, J. Morikawa
  Cooling performance measurements for a material-integrated heat exchanger made of polyvinyl
  alcohol hydrogel.
  The 55th National Heat Transfer Symposium (Sapporo, May 29th-31st, 2018)

6. M. Zamengo, J. Morikawa,
  Evaluation of cooling performance from a hydrogel-made heat exchanger based on
  evaporative cooling,
  第39回 日本熱物性シンポジウム (Nagoya, November 13th-15th, 2018)

7. Poster presentations at domestic conferences
  M. Zamengo, J. Morikawa,
   Development of instrumentation for measurement of cooling performance of hydrogel-made
  heat exchangers
  CTA第54回熱測定討論会 (Suzukakedai, October 31st - November 2nd, 2018)