

アジアの未来へ Vol.2

Bilahari Kausikan ASEAN and East Asia in the Era of Global Restructuring 地球的再編時代におけるASEANと東アジア 8
Margaret Coldiron Shi-Shi and Barong: Kin or Coincidence? 20
Tozu Masakatsu ジャワのバティックからインドネシアのバティックへ 28
Junko Imanishi Conference Report
Rudyanto Soesilo Diversity in Harmony Multi-ethnic Architectural Conservation in an ex Colonized country: Semarang, Indonesia case 45
Prof. Joselito Castro Gutierrez, et al. Teacher Educators’ Extent of Cultural Awareness 51
Jovi Clemente Dacanay Happiness as Life Satisfaction and Human Flourishing: An Economic Perspective 63
Rachel Lynn Y. Belandres Towards Expanding Access to Health Care Services: A Policy Simulation of the Aquino Health Agenda in the Philippines 77
Grace P. Sapuay The Plight of the Informal Waste Sector (IWS) in the Philippines 87
Christia Almario Guevara Harmonizing Diverse Perspectives on Environmental Issues Toward A Unified Mitigation and Remediation Program 95
Rui Chen, et al. The Role of Phragmites Australis for Sludge Stabilization 101
Marie Stephanie N. Gilles, et al. Towards Green and Healthy Commercial Centers in Asian Cities: Evaluating Sustainability of Green Open Spaces in Shopping Malls 107
Maria Mynn Porciuncula-Alfonso Agriculture, in Architecture, in Cities: In Pursuit of Sustainable Urban Landscapes 121
Didit Novianto, et al. Living Environment Evaluation of Japanese Residential Area in Kitakyushu Japan Part 1: Survey Result and Statistical Analysis 129
Evelie P. Serrano, et al. Cultural Farming Practices of Indigenous Cultural Communities: The Case of T’boli Farmers in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Philippines 139
Jane Delfin Toribio Kapangan Indigenous and Sustainable Systems in Harmony with Mother Nature 149
Qiong Wu, et al. Investigation and Analysis of Electricity Tariffs in Japan, China and Thailand 159
Yao Zhang, et al. The Effects of Dynamic Pricing and Photovoltaic Technology on Cost Performance in a Residential House 165
Shimomura Akiko, et al. Needs of Support Considered from the Free Description of the Sleep Survey for Normal Children and Disabled Children 171
Tamura Norihisa, et al. 小学生の夜型化、イライラの改善に与える睡眠教育パッケージの効果―睡眠教育群と待機群の比較― 179
Bai Chunyan, et al. 外交儀礼をめぐる衝突と調和―1873年の謁見問題を中心にして― 189
白 春岩
Mori Mayuko 19世紀末中華世界における調和のための多様性―朝鮮の事例から― 197
森 万佑子