Yasushi Akashi |
“The Fragile Nature of Peace” |
明石康 |
Ge Zhaoguang |
なぜ東アジアなのか、そのアイデンティティーを如何に構築するのか |
葛兆光 |
Yamamuro Shinichi |
空間アジアを生み出す力──境界を跨ぐ人々の交流 |
山室信一 |
Junko Imanishi |
Conference Report |
今西淳子 |
Lahiru Niroshan Jayakody, et al. |
Biomass Utilization Technologies to Cope with Future Energy Demand in Asia: Recent Advances in Engineering of a Yeast Strain Resistance to Glycolaldehyde |
Amarbayar Adiyabat, et al. |
Solar Technology and Resource Evaluation in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia |
Yuki Ueno, et al. |
Renewable Energy Penetration Limits: Effect and Solution Issues for Interconnected Grid |
上野雄輝 |
Hongbo Ren, et al. |
Energy System Innovation for the Future of Asia: Review of State-of-the-art Distributed Energy Resources and Micro-grids in Japan |
任 洪波 |
Mostafa Al Mamun, et al. |
Long-term Load Forecasting of 9-Japanese Power Utilities Considering the Enhancement of Energy Conservation 67 |
Ratih Fitria Putri, et al. |
Tsunami Inundation Hazard Mapping as Monitoring and Conservation Assessment in Parangtritis Coastal Area, Indonesia |
Xinling Feng, et al. |
Air Pollution Control and Climate Change Measures in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, China |
馮 新玲 |
Yaik-Wah Lim, et al. |
University-industry Research Collaboration on Development of Green Mosque Design |
Pawinee Iamtrakul |
The Association of Transportation and Land Use Planning towards Sustainable Urban Energy Planning |
Dongjie Guan |
Dynamic Simulation of Land Use Change Based on CA Model: A Case Study of Saga in Japan |
官 冬杰 |
Rui Wang, et al. |
The Dynamics of Social Networks in Philippine Poor Communities: From Giant Leaps to Small Steps |
Yuriko Sato, et al. |
Revitalization of Regional Areas Through an Increase in International Students |
Jose R. Medina, Rowena D.T. Baconguis |
Community-Life School (CLS) Model for Sustainable Agriculture-Based Rural Development |
Yang Guang Ping |
公共サービス均等化の実現に関する財政法上の考察 |
楊 広平 |
Geomilie S. Tumamao-Guittap, et al. |
中等教育の現代的課題 ──グローバル化と個人化の狭間で東アジアの未来を考える── |
Kaku Hanka |
ダブルリミテッドの子どもの第二言語教育を考える 187 |
郭 凡嘉 |
Chen Tzuching |
日本語学習において情意面からのアプローチは可能か ──日本語会話の教育実践を例に── |
陳 姿菁 |
Ota Hideaki |
東アジア民衆の連帯へ向けて──明治社会民主主義の国際秩序観── 205 |
大田英昭 |
Zou Shuangshuang |
日本占領下の北京における「知日家」──翻訳家銭稲孫と張我軍を中心に── |
鄒 双双 |
Dong Bing Yue |
日野強『伊犂紀行』における漢詩 223 |
董 炳月 |