KEY WORD :@art history / crafts
Miniature shrine shelf. A cabinet shrine *zushi ~Žq, used to store the writing materials and books of court nobles since the Heian period. The zushidana was invented when shelves were attached inside the zushi, and it was called a two story zushi shelves, nikai zushi “ρŠK~Žq. Sometimes nikaidana “ρŠK’I and sankaidana ŽOŠK’I (two or three story shelves) without zushi were also called zushidana. Typically decorated with *makie ŽͺŠG and *raden —†ην, they are always paired. Upper-class samurai Ž˜ adapted the zushidana and, in the Edo period, used it as one of the, three shelves santana ŽO’I, with black shelves kurodana •’I, and book shelves shodana ‘’I, for daimyou ‘ε–Ό furnishings and the trousseaux of daimyou brides. Boxes for cosmetics, writing and incense appreciation displayed on the shelves were usually coordinated to match the zushidana.


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