KEY WORD :@architecture / shrines
Also written ‰F“€’Œ. The pillars at center, front and rear of the main prayer hall *honden –{“a, in structures constructed in the taisha style *taisha-zukuri ‘εŽΠ‘’. These pillars have about same diameter as the center *shin-no-mibashira S‚ΜŒδ’Œ. The uzubashira are placed on the same axis as the center pillar, and all three pillars are larger than the other pillars on the perimeter of the building. The large pillars at each end of the building extend further out than the corner pillars, but they are not free-standing like the roof supporting pillars *munamochibashira “Ž’Œ, found in the common shinmei style *shinmei-zukuri _–Ύ‘’ structures. It is thought that they may be vestiges of ridge supporting pillars because they extend from the ground to beneath the ridge. prefecture. Example: Izumo Taisha Honden o‰_‘εŽΠ–{“a, Shimane prefecture.

a) uzubashira ’Ώ’Œ@b) *shin-no-mibashira S‚ΜŒδ’Œ
Kamosu Jinja Honden _°_ŽΠ–{“a (Shimane)


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