sashihijiki 挿肘木
KEY WORD : architecture / general terms
Also written 差肘木 or 指肘木. One or more bracket arms *hijiki 肘木, inserted into the shaft of a pillar instead of being set into a large bearing block on top of the pillar as is customary in the wayou style *wayou 和様. One or more bearing blocks, depending on the length of the bracket arm, can be attached to the pillar. The visible ends of the sashihijiki are shaped like an ordinary bracket arm. The type of bracket arm inserted into the shaft of a pillar is used chiefly in the daibutsu style *daibutsuyou 大仏様. However, examples are found in the Zen style *zenshuuyou 禅宗様, as bracket complexes are used beneath large rainbow beams *kouryou 虹梁, and also under large verandas. Occasionally a plate block *sarato 皿斗, is carved on top of the pillar from the same timber as the inserted bracket arms. Incised patterns or moldings sometimes embellish the inserted bracket arms found in Zen temples. Sashihijiki are rarely found in general terms wayou style buildings. Examples: Toudaiji *Nandaimon 東大寺南大門 (1199), Nara, daibutuyou ; Kakurinji Hondou 鶴林寺本堂 (1398), Hyougo prefecture, zenshuuyou.

Toudaiji Nandaimon 東大寺南大門 (Nara)

*tokyou 斗きょう, *eyou 絵様, *kurigata 繰形 

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