sanjuusanshin @ŽO\ŽOg
KEY WORD :@ art history / iconography
Abbreviation of Kannon sanjuusanshin ŠÏ‰đŽO\ŽOg. The 33 forms in which, according to the *Kannon ŠÏ‰đ chapter of the Lotus Sutra HOKEKYOU –@‰ØŒo, Kannon will appear to aid sentient beings. These include, for example, the forms of a Buddha, a monk, a child, a dragon, an official, or a deity. The point is that Kannon appears in any form appropriate to the situation of the person who calls on him; and stories about the miracles of Kannon do not restrict themselves to these forms. As they appear in art the 33 forms are unlike those listed in the Lotus Sutra, and presumably correspond to forms of Kannon in popular worship. The 33 forms in art are: Youryuu —k–ö (*Youryuu Kannon —k–öŠÏ‰đ) Ryuuzu —ī“Š, Jikyou ŽŒo, Enkou ‰~Œõ, Yuuge —V‹Y, Byakue ”’ˆß (*Byakue Kannon ”’ˆßŠÏ‰đ) Renga ˜@‰į, Takimi ‘ęŒĐ, Seyaku Ž{–ō, Gyoran ‹›âÕ, Tokuou “ŋ‰Ī, Suigetsu …ŒŽ, Ichiyou ˆę—t, Shoukyou ÂŒz, Itoku ˆÐ“ŋ, Enmei ‰„–―, Shuuhou O•ó, Iwato ŠâŒË, Noujuo ”\Ã, Anoku ˆĒãÓ, Amadai ˆĒ›õ’ņ, Youe —tˆß, Ruri —Ú—ž, Tarason ‘―—…‘ļ, Hamaguri ”ļå, Rokuji ˜ZŽž, Fuhi •”ß, *Meroufu ”n˜Y•w, Gasshou ‡ķ, Ichinyo ˆę”@, Funi •s“ņ, Jiren Ž˜@, Saisui ār…. Some of these, such as Byakue, are well known forms of Kannon, while most are otherwise unknown. 33 Kannon in each form are collectively known as Sanjuusan Kannon ŽO\ŽOŠÏ‰đ. Sets of the 33 forms of Kannon may surround main images of Kannon, as at Ishiyamadera ÎŽRŽ›, Shiga prefecture. The concept of 33 forms is the basis for the pilgrimage circuits to 33 images of Kannon, the most famous of which is the saigoku junrei ž‘„—į. The pilgrimage can also be accomplished in a model form, as at Ishiyamadera, where a circuit can be made of 33 stone Buddhist images *sekibutsu Î•§ in the temple grounds. The images of the pilgrimage do not correspond to those of the 33 forms and chiefly conform to early images of more familiar iconography, such as *Senju Kannon įŽčŠÏ‰đ, *Juuichimen Kannon \ˆę–ĘŠÏ‰đ, *Shoukannon đŠÏ‰đ, and *Nyoirin Kannon ”@ˆÓ—֊ωđ. Also see *henge Kannon •Ï‰ŧŠÏ‰đ


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