KEY WORD :@architecture / buildings & structures
1@A name given to the *amidadou ˆ’–ν‘Ι“°, a temple hall dedicated to *Amida ˆ’–ν‘Ι (Sk: Amitabha), who is also called muryouju-in, meaning the deity of immeasurable life. Thus, muryouju-in means the hall of life ad infinitum. The Muryouju-in was located within the confines of the no longer extant Houjouji –@¬Ž› (1022), Kyoto, built by Fujiwara Michinaga “‘Œ΄“Ή’· (966-1027). Unfortunately it was destroyed by fire.

2@Muryouju-in is one among the forty-nine temples believed in Japan to exist in the Tosotsuten Š•—¦“V (Sk: Tusita), the fourth of six heavens in the realm of desire. It is the abode of the Buddha of the future *Miroku –νθΣ (Sk: maitreya), who is expected to be the next earthly Buddha in 5,670,000 years.


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