KEY WORD :@art history / iconography
Ch: Fulushou. A popular deity of wealth, fuku •Ÿ, happiness, roku ˜\, and longevity, ju Žυ, and also associated with the Southern Pole Star, nankyokusei “μ‹Ι―. The origin of the god may lie in the story by Yangzheng (Jp: Yousei —zι), advisor to Emperor Wu (Jp: Butei •’ι, 464-549) of the Liang dynasty, which holds that Fukurokuju counselled the emperor to end conscription of slaves from a certain province and thus earned the reputation as a god of happiness in the region. An auspicious subject in Chinese and Japanese painting, he is usually accompanied by a bat and tortoise, and occasionally a stag with a small body and elongated bald head, Fukurokuju is often confused with *Juroujin Žυ˜Vl, but can be differentiated by the animals shown with him. Fukurokuju is included among the seven gods of good fortune *shichifukujin Ž΅•Ÿ_.



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